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Trade Copier for NinjaTrader
Trading from NinjaTrader
The Sim_DUP account
Slave(s) : any other account(s)
NTDUP edition X2 PRO
No popup/ad at the opening
1 NTDUPDUP license included
Free Trial 7 days : NTDUPX2PRO.zip
N'oubliez pas de sauvegarder votre personnalisation pour pouvoir l'ajouter au panierCoded to be as Simple and Fast as possible
Do not hesitate to join us on Discord
NTDUP : You can trade as many accounts as you want
NTDUPDUP : You can trade as many firms as you want
NTDUPDUP requires 2 machines so 2 licenses to work
( the add-on NTDUPDUP will be released on 21/06/24 )
Fiche technique